6 Survival Uses for Dental Floss That Might Surprise You


Yellow Dots
Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Tie a small fishing hook to the floss. You can hang the other end of the floss from a stick or just hold it.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Fishing Line

Off-white Section Separator

Use the floss to fasten a sharpened rock or knife blade securely to the end of a sturdy stick.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Constructing a Spear

Off-white Section Separator

Dental floss can be used instead of thread to mend torn clothes, tents or tarps.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Sewing Repairs

Off-white Section Separator

Construct a bow drill with dental floss as the cordage.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Firestarter Bow

Off-white Section Separator

Run a braided length of floss between two trees or in your house to act as a clothesline.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Use as a Clothesline

Off-white Section Separator

Floss is thin and durable, so it can repair torn fishing nets.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Fishing Net Repair