6 Things You Should Always Hand Wash Instead of Putting in the Dishwasher

homestead how-to

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

While cast iron skillets are great for cooking, they should never go in the dishwasher.

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Cast Iron Cookware

Off-white Section Separator

Even if your fine china or crystal seems sturdy, the high temperatures and force of the dishwasher can cause chipping or breakage.

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Fine China and Crystal

Off-white Section Separator

Many insulated travel mugs are not dishwasher safe.

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Insulated Travel Mugs

Off-white Section Separator

Wood and dishwashers just don’t mix.

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Wooden Cutting Boards & Utensils

Off-white Section Separator

The heat and detergents can weaken the handles or dull the edges of blades

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High Quality Knives

Off-white Section Separator

It's best to hand-wash your air fryer basket instead of using the dishwasher.

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Air Fryer Basket