Homemade Gut Healing Gummies

homestead how-to

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– ¼ cup fennel seeds – ¼ cup catnip – ¼ cup ginger root – 1 cup water – 2 tablespoons honey – 4 tablespoons grass-fed beef gelatin – Silicone mold


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Step 1

1. Make a tea with the fennel seeds, catnip, and ginger root. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then strain.

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Step 2

1. Slowly add the honey and gelatin until it is dissolved.

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Step 3

1. Pour the mixture into the silicone mold or use a pipette to drop into the mold. Put in the fridge for a few hours until they are hard.

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Step 4

1. Remove from the mold and enjoy!

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