Homemade Honey Ginger Tea 

homestead how-to

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– 1-inch chunk of fresh ginger, peeled intact – 1 cup water – Optional ingredients:  1 cinnamon stick, 1 piece of fresh turmeric, 3-4 sprigs of mint (choose one) – Optional additions:  Sliced lemon, sliced oranges, Honey, or Maple Syrup


Step 1

Place one cup of water in a pot and set the heat to medium-high.

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Step 2

While the water heats up, slice a piece of ginger into thin slices.

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Step 3

Once the water reaches a boil, add the sliced ginger (and chosen flavorings) to the pot. Allow the hot water and ginger mixture to steep for 4-5 minutes

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Step 4

If you’re preparing the tea in advance, you can strain it into a mason jar.

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Step 5

Sweeten the tea to taste by adding honey, agave syrup, or maple syrup. Stir well to ensure it dissolves.

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