How to Attract Hummingbirds With Ease

homestead how-to

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Opt for nectar-rich and brightly colored flowers, particularly in shades of red. Favorites include trumpet vine, bee balm, columbine, and salvia.

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Plant Hummingbird Friendly Plants

Off-white Section Separator

Ensure your garden has a succession of blooming plants throughout the hummingbird migration period, offering a steady food source.

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Continuous Blooming 

Off-white Section Separator

Incorporating a birdbath or similar water feature in your garden provides hummingbirds with the necessary resources for cooling off, bathing, and drinking.

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Water Sources

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Place feeders where they’re safe from predators and where you can easily see the hummingbirds.

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Feeder Placement

Off-white Section Separator

Cleaning your feeders regularly is important to prevent mold and bacteria, which could harm the hummingbirds.

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Feeder Maintenance

Off-white Section Separator

To keep up with their fast metabolisms, hummingbirds eat an impressive amount of insects and nectar daily.

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Making Hummingbird Nectar