homestead how-to
– June-bearing: June-bearing varieties produce many berries from mid-June to early July. – Ever-bearing: Also known as perpetual strawberries, these produce two crops yearly. – Day Neutrals: produce berries steadily throughout the growing season.
Strawberries need full sun to produce lots of berries, so choose a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight each day (although 10 hours is even better).
You can plant strawberries as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. In most areas, this is usually from late April until the end of May.
When to plant strawberries
Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the entire root structure, set in your strawberry plant so that the crown is level with the surface of the soil (
Give your strawberries approximately 1 inch of water each week, although they may need more in hot, dry weather.
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