Mulch Ideas for Your Garden Beds

homestead how-to

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is an excellent mulch choice for garden beds, especially vegetable gardens.

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Shredded Leaves

Using shredded or dried leaves as mulch is a great way to add nutrients to your garden beds.

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Fresh Grass Clippings

Chemical-free, fresh-cut grass is a nitrogen-rich mulch, especially beneficial for leafy greens in your garden beds.

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Bark or Wood Chips

Bark or wood mulch is a durable option that works well in garden beds.

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Stones and Gravels

For a longer-lasting mulch option, stones and gravel are excellent for weed suppression in garden pathways or decorative areas around your beds.

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Garden Fabric or Burlap

Garden fabrics, burlap, or even large coffee bean bags can act as effective weed barriers in garden beds.

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