No Electricity? How to Keep Food Cold the Old-Fashioned Way During a Power Outage

homestead how-to

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Dry Ice

If you have access to blocks of dry ice, you’re golden. This will keep food frozen for several days.

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Frozen Water Bottles

If it’s cold outside, fill water bottles, milk jugs or any other container and put outside to freeze.

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Underground Storage

Dig a hole. You can line it with straw if available. Put the food inside and cover with a piece of wood.

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Zeer Pot

This is an old-fashioned method that goes way, way back. It involves putting food inside a small clay pot.

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Submerge your food in water. You’ll want to secure it in a waterproof container first.

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If you have snow outside, grab your ice chest, fill it and bury it in the snow.

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