Grow Juicier, Tastier Tomatoes with These 15 Companion Plants

Basil is a leafy herb that enjoys the shady spots under taller tomato plants. In exchange for this shade, basil repels aphids and squash bugs and attracts pollinating insects.


Lettuce grows well in the shade under tomato plants, providing dense ground cover that suppresses weeds and prevents moisture from evaporating.


Chives are a delicious herb with a mild onion-like smell that repels aphids and mites.


It is very common to see rows of colorful marigolds planted alongside tomatoes. This companion pairing is a favorite among gardeners and homesteaders.


Sage is a low-maintenance perennial herb that deters cabbage moths, a troublesome insect that targets several vegetable crops.


Black-eyed peas work slightly differently to boost tomato harvests by acting as a sacrificial trap crop.

black-eyed peas